The Weekly Newsletter Proudly Sponsored by Sure Business |
Friday 6th September 2024
The Jersey Chamber Weekly Update
Dear Subscriber,
Well, here we go then – most of us back from the holidays, autumn is imminent, and a new school term has begun. All this can be unsettling and there is plenty we have already engaged on when it comes to policy coming down the track shortly. The new Employment Forum recommendations on increasing the compensation award levels at tribunals will land at a tough time for many businesses under financial pressure. They might increase amount of claims that come forward and will likely bring more lawyers into the tribunals all of which will further impact delays with cases. Chamber has consistently called for all employers to ensure they are fully aware and properly abiding by all employment laws. We also acknowledge that a review of compensation awards is timely and that the Employment Forum should be recognised for the important work they have done here. It is right that business who treat employees unlawfully are held to account, and while there is some small mention of the introduction of a very limited costs regime to sanction or deter vexatious claims, one does fear that a claim award jump from £10,000 to a proposed £50,000 or 52 weeks’ pay, whichever is greater, of which up to £30,000 can be awarded for hurt and distress, represents a huge jump in compensation levels. That may well seriously if not fatally damage a business and deter some from starting or continuing. The level of investment in the right employment advice and getting adequate Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPI) will add to business costs and is part of the carrot solution. Huge increases in compensation awards are perhaps more of the stick. It raises the stakes for both employers and employees. Talking of costs, many members this week have expressed genuine concern at one area of the soon to be arriving Living Wage or new minimum wage (NMW) on April 1st, 2025, which is just 7 months away when it will rise to £13 per hour. Now we will all remember our first job, Saturday jobs even for some that period of training, where we went from knowing nothing to being quite useful. I went from the paper round to a milk float round, to bread/cake van round. The bread van job tasted better! Some employers are very concerned at how or whether they will fund those first-timers to employment at a £13 hourly rate that on a Bank Holiday will be £26 per hour. The NMW applies to everyone and there is no longer a trainee rate. Talk is quite open right now of reducing opening times, closing on Bank Holidays and some traditional seven-day-a-week businesses maybe opting for a one-day closing, just to better manage rotas. The big losers in all of this could be the Saturday job staff, summer holiday jobs and those seeking a job at 16 looking to get trained up and those businesses where a large proportion of their staffing is from those under 20 – think activity providers. Chamber met with the Chief Minister this week to discuss these concerns. Fair play to the CM, he gave us a meeting within 12 hours of asking and understood our concerns. We are now awaiting the Government thoughts on how they can support this within the move to the NMW in April, to ensure we don’t have a whole age-group missing out of those life-skills of the first job and how we can resolve this potential issue. We’ll keep you posted. Now I’ve cheered you up – a word about the newsletter – firstly thank you to our new sponsor Sure Business who are with us for the next six months, it is great to have you on board. There is also a new look to the newsletter, as it comes from within our website platform, as does our ticketing. Click on a heading and it will take you right to the appropriate page on the website. Thanks to the Chamber team for making this so, led by Flori, who has dedicated many hours in build this from scratch. Great work Flori! It's a busy time, but we love to be here from you, so whether it is a concern you as a member wish us to raise on your behalf, your wish to be a Chamber sponsor and stand out to the business community, or news, events or offers we can include to other members, do drop us a line to Until then, enjoy your weekend.
Chamber Highlights: Discover the latest government news, member updates, upcoming events, and exclusive offers in today's newsletter. Scroll down for more details. |
September Jersey Chamber Breakfast Briefing - Should Jersey Have a University? |
Speakers: | Dr Sean Dettman | Director | Jersey International Centre of Advanced Studies (JICAS) |
| Tony Moretta | CEO | Digital Jersey |
| Rob Ward | Minister for Education and Lifelong Learning |
Speakers: | Elaine Millar | Minister of Treasury and Resources |
| Adam Budworth | President Jersey Chamber of Commerce |
| Murray Norton | CEO Jersey Chamber of Commerce |
Speakers: | Adam Budworth | President Jersey Chamber of Commerce |
| Sir Stephen Dalton | Chairman of the local charity ArtHouse Jersey |
| Murray Norton | CEO Jersey Chamber of Commerce |
Those updates on the roads... |
States meeting starts Tuesday 10th September Scheduled Debates: Scheduled Debates:
A full recording of the States Meeting is uploaded here All States Members’ votes are recorded shortly after the vote has taken place here Hansard records of States Meetings are uploaded here |
Children, Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel Public Hearing (Online Safety for Children in Jersey: Witnesses: Minister for Children and Families, Minister for Justice and Home Affairs, and Minister for Sustainable economic Development)
Thursday 12th September 10:30am to 12:00pm Le Capelain Room, States Building
Quarterly Public Hearing - Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Scrutiny Panel (Witness: Minister for Infrastructure)
Thursday 12th September 10:30am to 12:30pm Le Capelain Room, States Building |
| Since its inception in 2019, the agency has provided a range of marketing services to clients across the Channel Islands, the UK, and the USA. Floor Ten will now concentrate its expertise on delivering strategy and content production specifically for the luxury travel, hospitality, and finance sectors. This rebrand marks the next step in the growth of the business and the refined focus will allow the agency to bring even greater value to the industries it serves by aligning the skills of its team with the unique needs of these sectors. Jacqui Patton, Managing Director of Floor Ten, commented: “It is a really exciting time for the Floor Ten team as we work towards our goal of becoming industry leaders for content in the luxury market.We’re committed to creating strategic content that takes our clients’ brands to the next level and can’t wait to see where our next 5 years of business take us.” |
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Reckon Financial Services, which launched today, is looking to disrupt the sector by combining years of frontline commercial expertise with a deeply tailored and broad service offering, complemented by a fully digitised client experience. The Jersey headquartered company, which received its Trust Company Business licence during the summer, has been co-founded by Alfie Greenway and Jim McCartan. To achieve its aim of being the trusted partner for complete financial preparedness, Reckon Financial Services will provide an adaptable and tailored offering that meets the changing requirements of clients. The company takes a wholly tech-led approach, combining its human expertise with advanced data analytics tools, cloud-based processes, and an entirely paperless client experience. Reckon Financial Services offers a broad range of services to provide clients with opportunities to strengthen their financial function and bottom line. Today, the company’s capabilities range from accounting and tax planning and advisory to mergers and acquisition support, wealth management, fiduciary, and family office services. The company offers these services from its founding office in Jersey, but also has a presence in London and plans to expand its reach to the United Arab Emirates this autumn. With over 75% of employees being chartered accountants, the majority of the team is educated to master’s degree level, with the knowledge to run their own commercial business. This unique blend of expertise makes sure clients receive insights and solutions that are highly informed and relevant to the realities of operating a business today. |
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| The Channel Islands Liquor Co. distillery is located in the Old Sail Loft at the historical French harbour in St. Helier, Jersey. We produce award-winning gins and rums that are exported all over the world. Join us to experience an immersive journey through liquor. We offer a range of distillery experiences, from daily tasting sessions to private and corporate functions.
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Orchard Video Content Offer |
We are offering a 2 hour video content package to businesses for £950 over the dates of 7/8 October. Get in touch: |
Amicus Event Tickets Discount |
Happy to give exclusive Chamber of Commerce Members discount of £35 per ticket (should be £425 – members get it for £390), code of COCM35 code to be used at checkout. Leadership for Emotional Wellbeing – Thursday 10th October – 09:00-16:30 More info and tickets can be booked here. |
| HR Now will happily provide a 10% discount to chamber members for the first or next three invoices in 2024. They just need to quote Chamber10% in their initial or next enquiry. This applies to consultancy, fixed fees and training. Charities will always enjoy a 20% discount.
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| Do you have an event to arrange, one taking place next year - or even in 2025? Well, contact Sandy at ternevents if you do! Sandy is delighted to offer a 10% discount for all event planning services to Chamber Members.
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| We would like to offer ALL Jersey Chamber Members a discount on a purchase for a Cyber Essentials Certification whether this is a new purchase or a renewal of an existing certificate to try and encourage the take up of the certification on the island as much as possible. We will always beat and” Like for Like “pricing.
Use the Code of Jerseychamber10 for a 10% discount |
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Digital Jersey
Channel Islands Training and Development
Copcoy - Health & Safety
Law At Work Training |
If you have any discount offers that you would like to offer to all Chamber Members, we would love to hear from you. Send your offers to |
As Chamber members are aware we currently supporting Kezia’s Fund.
Kezia’s Fund was set up to support initiatives promoting good mental health amongst children and young people in Jersey. It provides grants and support to organisations that are working to address the issue of rising rates of poor mental health.
One of the primary fundraising events for this fund is Run for Kezia, an event which attracted 800 participants last year to run or walk over the choice of 3 distances (2k, 5k, 10k). The event is being held to coincide, again, with World Suicide Prevention Day on 15 September.
We would like to encourage all members to consider signing up (it is not competitive, timed and it is not necessary to run) and to encourage their families, friends and colleagues to sign up too: Kezia's Fund
Thank you |
Helping Members Stay Informed Tel: 01534 724536 / Email: